Homes for Sale in Kensington
About Kensington, San Diego, CA
About the Neighborhood:
This upscale neighborhood to the southeast of Mission Valley is picturesque, with attractive Spanish-styled homes. There’s a small business district along the single main thoroughfare, Adams Avenue. Kensington was established by real estate developers in 1900s. The subdivision consists of 115 acres overlooking Mission Valley. The Spanish style cottage homes and their beautiful landscaping are what make the neighborhood stand out. Kensington is a great, compact walking neighborhood therefore allowing it’s residents to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Just stroll through the winding roads north of Adams Avenue and admire the homes that exude character. Kensington is located directly adjacent to Talmadge. Together these neighborhoods are called KenTal.
Local Businesses:
While their business district is small they have tons of great local spots:
- Ponce’s : Traditional Mexican Eatery
- The Haven Pizzeria: Pizza, Pasta, and Salad with Vegetarian options
- Stehly Farms Market: Fresh and Organic Market
- Landmark’s Ken Cinema: Single Screen Movie Theatre
- Kesington Club: Local Bar with Live Music
- Kensington Brewery: Family and Kid Friendly Brewery